Participating Organizations
Participating Schools & Programs
Al-Hamra Academy
American School Foundation of Mexico City
Another Course to College
Bais Yaakov of Boston
Beaver Country Day School
Beaverton High School
Beaverton High School (Oregon)
Belmont Hill School
Boston College High School
Boston Day and Evening
Boston Green Academy
Boston International Newcomers Academy
Boston Latin Academy
Boston Latin School
Brandeis University
Brighton High School
Brimmer & May School
Brookline High School
Buckingham Browne & Nichols School
Charlestown High School
Codman Academy Public Charter School
Community Academy of Science and Health
Dana Hall School
Dearborn STEM Academy
Dexter Southfield
Dr. William W Henderson K-12 Inclusion School
Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers
Emma Willard School
English High School
Everett High School
Excel Academy Charter School
Excel High School
Fenway High School
Gann Academy
German International School Boston
Greater Lowell Technical High School Hudson Public Schools Jeremiah Burke High School
John D. O'Bryant School of Math & Science
KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate
Lexington Christian Academy
Lincoln International Academy (Nicaragua)
Madison Park Technical Vocational High School
Maimonides School
Malden Catholic High School
Margarita Muniz Academy
Mary Lyon Pilot High School
Match Charter Public High School
Mountain Home High School (Arkansas)
Native American High School Program (through Harvard Medical School) Nativity Preparatory School of Boston
New Mission High School
Noble & Greenough School
Norwood High School
Roxbury Latin School
Roxbury Prep Upper School
Salem Public Schools
Somerville Public Schools
St. Mary’s School (North Carolina). St. Sebastian's School
The Fessenden School
The Rivers School
Uncommon Schools
Upward Bound Boston University
Vertex Watertown High School
Wellesley College
Community Relationships
American Red Cross
ThermoFisher Scientific
Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation
Red Sox Foundation
The Paul & Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation
The David & Linda Shaheen Foundation
Current Research Collaborators
Harvard Graduate School of Education
HMS MEDscience is currently collaborating with Tina Grotzer, an associate professor of education at HGSE, a principal investigator at Harvard Project Zero, and a faculty member at the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard School of Public Health. With her guidance, we are conducting a study to measure the efficacy of the HMS MEDscience curriculum. We believe the program strengthens student’s critical thinking, confidence and continued interest in STEM fields among many other factors. We are excited to continue our evaluation efforts and to obtain data that will help us illustrate how the unique pedagogy of HMS MEDscience affects our students.
Boston After School & Beyond, 2014 - Present Academic Year
Boston After School & Beyond (BASB) is a public-private collaboration that mobilizes a diverse, data-driven network of programs to ensure that all Boston youth have access to engaging, skills-focused after-school and summer programs. The HMS MEDscience Program is one of 113 strategic partner programs aimed at documenting and qualifying academic learning, enrichment experiences, and skill development opportunities, and is the only one that immerses students in team-based problem solving simulated medical emergencies. Our collaboration aims to enhance the out-of-school time programs for students in the greater Boston region, by utilizing assessment tools such as the National Institute Out-of-School Time’s Survey of Afterschool Youth Outcomes Survey (SAYO-Y) and Assessment of Program Practices Tool (APT), to continually enhance our program, teaching methods, and overall impact.
one8 (formerly Jacobson Family) Foundation
The HMS MEDscience collaboration with the one8 Family Foundation began in Spring 2014. With their help, we have deployed a vetted survey to measure program goals and student outcomes. The one8 Foundation continues to support HMS MEDscience by providing consultation in strategy and expansion.