HMS MEDscience Module Survey Current Time * (for the purpose of measuring length of survey) Hour Minute Second AM PM Name First Name Last Name Personal Email * ZIP code * HMS MEDscience ID * You can find this on your MEDscience lanyard or in your email. For example: HMED-12345. Please be sure to include the hyphen on the ID. We ask to maintain anonymity but to also make sure we hear from everyone. Where do you currently attend school? * If you are attending with a program outside of school (i.e., Vertex, BWH, Dana Farber, RBTV), please enter the name of the program. What type of school are you enrolled in during the academic school year? * Boston Public School (BPS) Public School outside of Boston Private School Public charter school Community College 4-year College/University Where are you in your academic journey? * NOTE: If you are taking this program in the summer, select the grade that you most recently finished. 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade Graduated high school, not in college 1st year college 2nd year college 3rd year college 4th year college Graduated college, not in grad school Grad / Med School What format are you taking this HMS MEDscience program? * Fully In-person Fully Virtual (e.g. teleMED) Hybrid (e.g. partly virtual & partly in-person) What format are you taking this HMS MEDscience program? * For an Extended Module (2 to 6 at any time during the calendar year) A Single Module (1 session at any time during the calendar year) Which HMS MEDscience program did you participate in? * HMS MEDscience (Anatomy & Physiology) HMS MEDscienceLAB (Clinical Laboratory) HMS MEDscienceLAB Forensics (Forensic Medicine & Laboratory) HMS MEDscience x Moonshot Foundations HMS MEDscience x Moonshot Visionaries How did you come to participate in HMS MEDscience? * I am participating through my school, during the academic school year, as part of a requirement (e.g. required class, required extracurricular) I am participating through my school, during the academic school year, but it is not part of any requirement (e.g. non-required class, non-required extracurricular) I am participating outside of school (e.g. non-required extracurricular, fun, curiosity) Other (please type below) Please specify "Other" Have you participated in any number of HMS MEDscience sessions before? (Select all that apply) * No, this is my first time Yes, I participated in the HMS MEDscience program Yes, I participated in the HMS MEDscienceLAB program Yes, I participated in the HMS MEDscienceLAB Forensics program Yes, I participated in the HMS MEDscience Moonshot Foundations program Yes, I participated in the HMS MEDscience Moonshot Visionaries program Yes, I participated in the HMS MEDscience Dental program Which best describes you? * Female Male Intersex Prefer not to say Which best describes you? * Cisgender (gender identity corresponds with the sex registered at birth) Transgender Non-Binary Prefer not to say What best describes you? * Hispanic or Latino (Includes individuals of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, Cuban, Dominican, Guatemalan, and other Central or South American or Spanish culture or origin.) Not Hispanic or Latino Select all that apply: * American Indian or Alaska Native (Individuals with origins in any of the original peoples of North, Central, and South America, including, for example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, Aztec, and Maya) Asian (Individuals with origins in any of the original peoples of Central or East Asia, Southeast Asia, or South Asia, including, for example, Cambodian, Chinese, Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Pakistani, Thai, Korean, and Japanese.) Black or African American (Individuals with origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa, including, for example, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian, and Somali.) Middle eastern or North African (Individuals with origins in any of the original peoples of the Middle East or North Africa, including, for example, Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi, and Israeli.) Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (Individuals with origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands, including, for example, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamorro, Tongan, Fijian, and Marshallese.) White (Individuals with origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, including, for example, English, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, and Scottish.) MEDscience in relation to your career There are no "right" or "wrong" answers! The only correct responses are those that are true FOR YOU. Whenever possible, let the things that you have lived through help you make a choice. Do you plan to complete your current education? * Yes No Do you plan to complete higher education (e.g. college, graduate school)? * Yes No How likely are you to pursue a career in STEM (including but not limited to: nursing, medicine, laboratory, research, engineering)? * Highly unlikely Unlikely Likely Highly Likely What career are you interested in pursuing? * Do you have a family member in the career you are interested in pursuing? * Yes No What are three words that best capture your experience with HMS MEDscience? * I would recommend the HMS MEDscience program to other students. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I would be interested in participating in HMS MEDscience again in another way (e.g. another module, semester course, summer program) Yes No Thanks for all your thoughts! If you would like to add any comments (e.g. suggestions for improvements, particularly great strengths of the program, shout outs to teachers), please use this space: Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.Your input is critical in helping us further enhance the HMS MEDscience experience.